quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013

Peludonas ou lisas?


Bush Party, 2010
Trish Nathalia and Kelsey Dylan

She loves that first stroke. Wishes she could share how it feels with you, more. (gif)

Wide & sweettttttt

But her eyes penetrate you more. (gif)

Even when engaged in a frontal assault, she doesn’t worry about leaving herself vulnerable to a flanking maneuver. In fact, she expects it. Hop hop.

Incapacitated so easily. (gif)

Making sure you get a generous view. She’s very giving, that way.

In her element (i.e. between two cocks). (gif)

A perfect motion, a perfect moment of hers. (gif)

Something she relishes.

Everything you taught her. (gif)

What goes around comes around. Good Bad Girls bring home toys for their boys.


Tia Ling.

Not even a flinch, and she never broke eye contact. (gif)


I love it when a girl sucks my spent cock as hard as she can.  Yes, it’s sensitive, but it feels so fucking good!

One would never accuse her of being inelegant. (gif)

The glaze is her favorite part of any dessert.

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